
14 June 2013

FWS News Flash: New ELYSIUM Badass Trailer!

Oh. My. Fucking. Gods! The new action-packed trailer for the new sci-fi film by Neil Blomkamp is up on youtube, and it is amazing. This could be one of the best sci-fi films of the new millennium, and could pave the way for this talent director to take some mega-projects *cough* HALO Film *cough*. I was very impressed with District 9, and it seems Elysium will be no different. This film drops around my birthday, so, I will be making the trek to central Dallas, and seeing this shit on IMAX 3D, and I'll be writing a review after I settle down. While I've missed much of the big sci-fi films of 2013 so far: Oblivion and After Earth due to money and time, this one is a must-see. 

If you have a heart condition....don't watch this.


  1. I am kind of holding my breath for this movie... I really really want to see it..

  2. My hopes are really high for this one...I just hope that it lives to the hyper.

  3. More of us hope Will, more of us ;)

  4. I guess, in Neil Blomkamp we trust.
